The TRUTH about habits

New habits cause disruption to your comfortable life.

Start small. Repeat it often. Stack your wins. Build upon.

Want to get fit? Create fitness habits

Want to get rich? Get money habits

Want to play guitar? Start practice habits

When you want to improve something in your life people will be quick to tell you to begin with your daily habits.

And although there is some truth to this, the advice itself is not helpful...

And in some cases can be pretty destructive. Let me explain...

Habits are like pearls.

Oysters make pearls by accumulating layer upon layer of nacre called mother-of-pearl. This is what creates the highly valuable treasure that can fetch a pretty penny.

But few people realise an important step of the pearl making process... it starts with an irritant.

A small bit of grit stumbles in to the oysters mouth which triggers it to blanket it in the layers of shimmering eventually building to a pearl.

Habits are built the same way. They start by irritating you. Disrupting your daily life in an effort to get you to move towards your goal.

Read that last line again because its important.

When people think their new habits are meant to be effortless from the beginning they are setting themselves up for failure.

That is why we do not create habits over night. We build upon them slowly. And when you choose the right habit to build upon, you'll often be surprised by how little effort you have to use to get some pretty magical results.

Remember these simple steps...

Start small. Repeat it often. Stack your wins. Build upon.