It's common knowledge that your environment today has become even more stressful. Your time and attention has never been in more demand. Whether its friends, family, work, hobbies, even businesses looking to get your attention through advertising. All competing for you attention! Most people think a stressed person is someone who is always worrying.

The beast crawl is one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do. Not only will it help build strength in your core, legs and arms but will also help with undoing the common slouch you see happening from sitting at a desk or in a car so you can have even better posture and look more confident.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain muscle or improve your overall fitness, there is one fact that will not change. Nothing you do will work unless you do. In this video you will learn how to turn your pain and frustration with your current results, or lack of them and transform them in to jet fuel for rapid success.