5 Things I Do That Joe Wicks Would Disagree With

Joe Wicks has exploded...

Over the last lockdown "P.E. With Joe Wicks" became big...

So much so he even became a well known face on American TV screens...

And he's not alone. Celebrities, athletes and fitness models now have their own version.

They share workouts, recipes and give lifestyle advice...
And this got me thinking about the 5 things I do that most of these fitness influencers would disagree with...

1. I don't workout in the morning

I like to protect my mornings...

And I usually keep it reserved for more creative tasks like writing...

As the day moves on I tend to get a little restless. I fidget and distract anyone near me... this is when I get banished from the house until I've used some energy.

For me, I find the best time to workout around 1 - 2pm. And as soon as I've finished I am able to focus better and become a little more tolerable!

I know most people say you should workout in the morning. But for me I struggle to get going and put my best effort in.

2. I don't listen to music during exercise

This one may seem strange...

Especially if you have ever seen me in a gym because I'm ALWAYS wearing headphones...

But nothing is playing. (Most of the time they're not even plugged in)

I do the same thing when I'm writing.

My attention has limits. And I need to use every bit of focus to control the movements I make and push myself into uncomfortable zones.

If music is playing I find myself spending more time singing along than actually doing what I'm there to do.

There's also a little weird visualisation trick I use to make sure I get the best out of myself. But that's an email for another time...

3. I don't keep a regular food diary
Tracking my food comes in waves...

I know this goes against everything that's advised... (even by me) but sometimes I fall out of the habit of it.

When I track my food I find it easy to get into great shape. When I'm not, I also notice the slips and comprises I begin to make with eating...

This is something I know I need to do more and continuously. Even if I am eating foods that are an indulgence.

It's one of the biggest habits that can change your life for the better and I see it often. I follow a few guys and girls in their sixties and seventies and they look better than most twenty year olds... and they put most of it down to keep on tracking.

4. I don't mix up my workouts

I'm a creature of habit...

Which means I can be quite resistant to change...

So when it comes to my workouts I tend to stick with exactly the same program for 4-6 weeks without change.

I personally prefer it that way. It allows me to see how and where I improve in certain areas week to week. It gives me targets to hit and I find it even more motivating.

But I do understand peoples need for variety.

5. I don't stretch before or after workouts

This one comes from reading and researching countless studies...

I've covered it more in depth in a short video.

===>> Click here to discover why I don't stretch

And that's it!

Those are the 5 things I do that most fitness influencers would disagree with. (Including Joe Wicks)

I'm sharing this with you to show you something important...

You can do a lot of stuff "wrong" and still improve your health and fitness. You can still get into great shape.

If you have anything you do most people would disagree with, I'd love to hear it.

Leave a comment and tell me what it is...