Disney's Secret Sauce For A Good Life

This weekend I watched "Soul."

It's Disneys newest movie. (Yes, I'm a big kid at heart!)

The movies theme is about finding your "spark." Your passion, or your purpose.

It's a wonderful movie. It dives into what really drives people in their lives. And more importantly, how we look at our own lives and judge whether we have lived a good one.

I won't spoil it for you if you haven't watched it. But there is one part of the movie I'd like to share.

The main hero of the story has just achieved something he has been working towards his whole life. And after he it's done, he's in shock at how he doesn't feel as complete as he thought he would.

The person he was working with looks at him and sees his pain. She looks at him and tells him the story of the two fish...
A younger fish goes up to an older fish and says "one day I'm going to find and live in the ocean!"

The old fish replies "the ocean? You are already in the ocean."

The young fish looks at him with disagreement and says "this isn't the ocean, this is just water."

The reason I loved that story is because it drives a simple point home...

Some people are so focused on one goal they can find themselves putting other things on hold. Things they might not even be able to control...

...like waiting for the lockdown to end to get fit and active...

They try to live a lot of life in the few big moments they hold out for.

And these people are usually disappointed. Because the experience can never fulfil the expectations and anticipations put on them.

In reality, life is what happens all around us. It's the simple things as much as the big things.

Making your morning coffee. Going for a walk. Even going to the bathroom.

You can find joy in the simplest activities. You don't need to wait for a big moment before you allow yourself to experience it.

What small task can you do today that you will enjoy? Below and let me know.