A Fast Way To Be Unhappy - Do You Do This?

Somedays are better than others, it's true. And it's easy to look at these days and think we are either winning at life or failing.

- My stomach looks bloated today, I'm failing

- I've lost another 3lbs today, I'm winning

- I've eaten a tub of Ben and Jerry's today whilst listening to Michael Bolton, I'm failing

- Someone told me it looks like I've lost weight, which means they clearly find me attractive, I'm winning

Life can be an emotional rollercoaster.

One day you can feel like you are unstoppable, like you've finally cracked the code to success. Walking around in your big boy pants, giving high five's and sharing your discoveries.

The very next day you can feel like you've come crashing down into the trough of despair, a complete failure. Like you have to struggle for everything.

People often think it's the big moments in a day which make it a success or failure. It's easy to attach these things to our own self worth. And it's no secret that people tend to focus more on the negatives than the positives. Meaning we often remember the bad days, weeks and months more than the good.

Which is why it's important to stop and reflect from time to time. To look back at where you started and how far you've come. Sometimes we can become too close to our own lives, our own situation, and we can forget there was a time when we would have killed for what we have now.

A true reflection of where you are happens when you zoom out. When you look at different parts of your life through the years, and see the changes. And when you do this, whether the curve goes up or down, you can usually pinpoint the moment it all changed.

As Aristotle said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

What habits do you have in your life that are helping or hurting you?