
The Genius of "Atomic Habits" And How To Make Small Changes That Create BIG Differences

James Clear is a smart man who wrote a book about how to make good habits.

His biggest recommendation is to start small. For example, if you want to run, don't try to run a marathon right away. Start by running a little bit each day, and then do a little more each time. This way you won't get tired too fast and give up.

A great way to build on this is to make a plan and write it down. That way you can see how you're doing and know when you've done something good. You will also see if you need to change something, like if you need to run more or less.

Remember, when you want to build a new habit it’s important to take your time and not rush things. Building good habits takes time and effort. Sometimes you might not do as well as you want, but that's okay. You can try again tomorrow. The important thing is to keep going and don't give up.

It's important that you have fun and enjoy the process of building the habits. It's also important to give yourself a pat on the back when you do something good. This will make you feel good and want to keep going. As he says, “what gets rewarded gets repeated.”

Most people have the best intentions when they start, but they often forget that sometimes life can get in the way. Experiencing setbacks are normal and don't mean you are not doing well. Habits are not a one-time thing. It’s a process that requires continuous effort and it's important to be patient with yourself and to understand that setbacks are normal. The key is to be persistent and not to give up, even when things get tough.

The overarching theme is that it's not just about building one habit, but it's about creating a lifestyle that promotes balance, health and wellness. By following the approach in “Atomic Habits”, you will be able to create habits that will support you in achieving your goals and living the life that you want.

Avoid This Toxic Mindset For Permanent Weight-Loss

Most of us have heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” when it comes to exercise

People think if they don’t push themselves to their limits, then they won’t get any value from exercising. But this type of mindset can lead to burnout and injury.

If improving your health and fitness is important to you, then, it's time to change the way you think of exercise.

Most people view exercise as a punishment for having "fun". Or, something that you must endure to achieve results.

A Fast Way To Be Unhappy - Do You Do This?

A Fast Way To Be Unhappy - Do You Do This?

Life, on a daily basis, can feel like a rollercoaster.

We are constantly bombarded with thoughts, feelings, everything else people want us to do. But can we learn how to deal with this better? Or are we doomed to the constant ups and downs we are left to experience.

Outraged Queen Had This Covered Up

A naked man stands in the middle of an old museum in Italy.

He has been seen in all his glory by millions, even billions of people. And his name is known around the world.

When people speak of him, they usually mention his dads name in the same breath.

Guessed who they are yet?

Seventeen feet tall, and 12,000 pounds in weight, I speak of the one and only...

Michelangelo's David.

Most people have heard of this statue, but few people know that it was built to represent man in his perfect form. Earning the little-known title of "The Ideal Man."

A balance of beauty, strength and health all whilst holding a pose with ease and grace. It was and still is praised as an artistic masterpiece.

People asked Michelangelo how he was able to sculpt such beauty from a massive boulder. Which Donatello, (another famous artist, not the famous turtle) had earlier abandoned working with due to a fault in the stone.

Michelangelo said "[David] is there, locked inside. All you have to do is remove the excess stone."

The lesson I take from this, and the reason I'm sharing it with you is simple.

When it comes to improving our lives we usually rush to add things in to our already busy lives. This can create even more noise, and make it harder to focus on what's important. When often times the answer is to remove the excess.

What are you currently doing in your life that's not serving you?

What old habits could be holding you back from you getting what you really want?

Michelangelo's David teaches us that we can reach our own ideal, not by adding more, but by taking away.

If you want help removing some of the excess and learning what to really focus on, comment below or let me know.


The outraged queen was Queen Victoria. She was gifted a replica and was so shocked by Davids, ahh manhood, that she had a leaf plastered over it.