Health and Fitness

Debunking Stability Training Myths: The Science Behind Joint and Muscle Coordination

The fitness world is buzzing with "stability training." However, the idea that a specific type of training improves stability is misleading.

Stability means that something is steady and secure. In the context of exercise, it's about keeping our joints and bones in the right positions for normal movement. Our body produces and resists motion around joints, like knees, shoulders, and hips. Muscles around these joints help create and control movement.

True stability involves the coordinated effort of multiple muscles, called "co-contraction." This process occurs at every joint whenever we move or apply force, assuming we are healthy and functioning normally.

To really understand stability, we need to examine specific joints and muscles, since that's where motion happens. Every exercise trains stability at the joints being directly used and possibly others too, if our nervous system works properly.

Different exercises challenge stability in various ways. For example, a single-leg unsupported deadlift has side-to-side and rotational forces to manage. It's not necessarily better than a deadlift with both feet on the ground, but it has a different force equation.

The key is to choose exercises that suit the individual's needs and goals. A leg extension may be better for someone seeking general health and function than an unstable surface exercise, which can pose risks.

In conclusion, we should focus on joint and muscle-specific movements, as that's where motion is created and resisted. The concept of "stability training" becomes clear when viewing the body objectively, without bias. Every exercise in the gym is a force equation that the body responds to through coordinated muscle contractions. Understanding this helps us make informed choices about our fitness routines.

For more insights, visit your go-to source for fitness advice and tips.

How To Stop Eating Junk Food

Do you often find yourself saying "I don't have time to eat healthy"?

Well, my friend, let me tell you that this excuse is nothing but a myth perpetuated by the junk food industry. You see, they want you to believe that eating healthy takes too much time and effort, so that you keep reaching for their processed snacks and fast food.

The truth is, healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Think about it this way: every time you make a healthy choice, it's like making a deposit into your health bank account. And just like you wouldn't neglect your financial accounts, you shouldn't neglect your health accounts either. It's all about making small deposits every day that will add up to a healthy balance in the long run.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Tom, I'm too busy to cook healthy meals!"

Well, my friend, that's just another excuse. With a little planning and preparation, you can cook healthy meals in no time. Try meal prepping on the weekends or cooking meals in bulk and freezing them for later. And if you're really short on time, there are plenty of quick and easy healthy recipes available online. (You can't get much faster than a quick stir fry!)

But maybe you're saying, "I'm always on the go and don't have time to sit down and eat." I hear you loud can clear! But skipping meals or eating on the go can lead to overeating and poor food choices. It's important to make time for meals and to prioritise healthy eating even when you're busy. Try packing healthy snacks like fruits and nuts to eat on the run, or choosing healthier options when eating out.

And last but not least, I know some of you might be saying, "Healthy food is too expensive." Well, my friend, that's just another myth perpetuated by the junk food industry.

While some healthy foods may be more expensive than processed junk food, there are plenty of affordable healthy options available. And investing in healthy food is like investing in preventative healthcare. It may require an upfront cost, but it can save you money in the long run, not just by preventing costly medical bills and chronic illnesses, but also because junk food has much less nutrients in it. Meaning, even though you're eating more, your body is getting less of what it needs, which eventually makes you hungry sooner. All this leads you to spend more of the junk food, costing you even more money!

So, my friend, don't let these excuses hold you back from eating healthy. By making small deposits into your health bank account every day, you can improve your health and well-being in the long run. It's all about making healthy choices that work for you and your lifestyle. And once you start seeing the benefits, you'll wonder why you ever believed these myths in the first place.

Why People Squat Differently: Understanding the Factors Behind Unique Squat Techniques

Squatting is a fundamental human movement that is used in a variety of everyday activities and is an essential exercise for developing strength and power in the legs and hips. However, when it comes to performing a squat, not everyone does it the same way. In this blog post, we’ll explore why people squat differently and the various factors that influence unique squat techniques.

  1. Anatomy and Body Structure One of the most significant factors that determine the way a person squats is their anatomy and body structure. This includes the length of their legs, hips, and torso, as well as the placement and flexibility of their joints. Individuals with longer legs or a longer torso may squat deeper than those with shorter limbs, while those with tighter hips or knees may struggle to perform a full squat.

  2. Mobility and Flexibility Another crucial factor that affects squatting technique is mobility and flexibility. A person with high mobility and flexibility will be able to squat deeper and maintain proper form, while someone with limited mobility may struggle to perform a full squat or maintain proper form. This can also be impacted by previous injuries or conditions that affect joint mobility.

  3. Training and Experience Experience and training also play a significant role in how a person squats. Individuals who have been squatting regularly for an extended period are likely to have developed good form and technique, while those who are new to the exercise may struggle with proper form and technique. Additionally, training can also impact a person's squatting form by strengthening certain muscles, improving mobility, and increasing flexibility.

  4. Goals and Purpose Finally, the goals and purpose of squatting will also influence the way a person squats. For example, a powerlifter may focus on maximizing weight and explosiveness, while a yoga practitioner may prioritize form and mobility. This can result in different squat techniques and variations, such as a low-bar back squat versus a high-bar squat, a box squat versus a traditional squat, or a pistol squat versus a sumo squat.

In conclusion, the way a person squats is influenced by a variety of factors, including anatomy and body structure, mobility and flexibility, training and experience, and goals and purpose. Understanding these factors can help individuals tailor their squatting technique to their unique needs and limitations and improve their performance and results. Whether you're looking to develop strength and power, improve mobility and flexibility, or simply incorporate squats into your daily routine, understanding why people squat differently is key to success.

7 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight And How To Fix Them

You may be wondering, "Why can't I lose weight? What am I doing wrong?"

Losing weight can be a frustrating and overwhelming task, especially for busy parents doing their best to balance their work/life balance. Too often these people have tried and failed multiple times.

Well, the truth is, there could be a variety of reasons why you're struggling to shed those extra pounds. But don't worry, you're not alone, and there is a solution.

Here are 7 of the most common reasons why you may be having a hard time losing weight:

1. You're not getting enough sleep. When you're sleep-deprived, your body produces more ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, and less leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. So, if you're not getting enough shut-eye, you may be more likely to crave high-calorie foods.

2. You're not drinking enough water. Staying hydrated is crucial for weight loss, as it helps to flush out toxins and keep your metabolism running smoothly. If you're dehydrated, your body may hold onto water, making you feel bloated and heavier.

3. Too many processed foods could be creeping into your diet. Processed foods are often high in calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to weight gain. Try to focus on whole, unprocessed foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, instead.

4. It might be time to get even more physical. Exercise is essential for weight loss, as it burns calories and helps to build muscle. But, if you're not getting enough physical activity, you may be missing out on the benefits. Make sure to include a combination of cardio and strength training in your exercise routine.

5. Emotional eating habits. Sometimes, we turn to food as a way to cope with stress, boredom, or emotional issues (Something I've battled with through the years). This can lead to overeating and weight gain. Finding healthy ways to cope with your emotions, such as mindfulness, meditation, or therapy, can help you break this cycle.

6. Lack of Customisation - One-size-fits-all weight loss programs may not take into account your unique needs, goals and schedule. This can make it difficult to maintain the program and achieve sustainable weight loss. A personalised weight loss program that is tailored to your unique needs and goals is much more likely to be successful.

7. Lack of Support and Accountability - Losing weight can be a daunting task and it's easy to give in to temptations and slip back into old habits. Having a support system in the form of a personal trainer or a weight loss program that provides personalised coaching and support can make all the difference. When you have someone to hold you accountable, you're more likely to stay on track and achieve your weight loss goals.

As you can see, losing weight is a complex process that can be influenced by a variety of factors. But don't despair!

Losing weight is not impossible, it just takes time, dedication, and the right support system. If you're feeling discouraged and ready for a change, reach out to a personal trainer or a weight loss program that offers personalised coaching and support (like me!). Take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals and feeling great about yourself. You can do this by reaching out to me today.

How To Start Exercising For Beginners

Starting a new exercise routine can be a bit daunting, especially if you're new to the world of fitness. But it's important to remember that we all have to start somewhere, and the most important thing is to just start.

Before you begin, it's a good idea to have a chat with your GP, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or haven't exercised in a while. They can give you the lowdown on what you should be mindful of as you start your fitness journey.

Once you have the all-clear, it's time to set some goals. What do you want to achieve through exercise?

Do you want to lose weight?

Build muscle?

Improve your overall health and wellness?

These goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic. It's also important to consider what type of exercise you enjoy. The key to sticking with an exercise routine is to choose activities that you enjoy and that you can see yourself doing long-term.

When starting out, it's important to take it slow. Your body needs time to adjust to the new demands you're placing on it. Start with just a few minutes of exercise a day and gradually increase the duration and intensity as you become more comfortable and as your body adapts. It's also important to include a mix of different types of exercise into your routine, such as cardiovascular activity, strength training, and mobility.

It can be helpful to find an accountability partner to help you stay on track and to provide support and motivation. (Shameless plug) Chigwell Personal Training can be a great resource for this! We can help you to create a personalised exercise program tailored to your individual needs and goals, and we can also provide guidance, support, and motivation to help you stay on track. We can help you to stay safe while you're working out and also help you track your progress.

One of the most important things to remember when starting to exercise is to listen to your body. It's okay to push yourself, but it's also important to know when to take a break. Trusting your body's signals is key to avoiding injury and getting the most out of your exercise routine. Also, comparing yourself to others is pointless, we all start at different points and progress at different rates, your journey is unique, focus on your own progress.

Starting a new exercise routine can be daunting, but it's important to remember that taking the first step is the most important thing.

Last thing for you to know, Chigwell Personal Training is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today and take the first step towards a healthier and happier you! And remember, don't take yourself too seriously, this is supposed to be fun, you're not training for the next Olympic Games.

The Genius of "Atomic Habits" And How To Make Small Changes That Create BIG Differences

James Clear is a smart man who wrote a book about how to make good habits.

His biggest recommendation is to start small. For example, if you want to run, don't try to run a marathon right away. Start by running a little bit each day, and then do a little more each time. This way you won't get tired too fast and give up.

A great way to build on this is to make a plan and write it down. That way you can see how you're doing and know when you've done something good. You will also see if you need to change something, like if you need to run more or less.

Remember, when you want to build a new habit it’s important to take your time and not rush things. Building good habits takes time and effort. Sometimes you might not do as well as you want, but that's okay. You can try again tomorrow. The important thing is to keep going and don't give up.

It's important that you have fun and enjoy the process of building the habits. It's also important to give yourself a pat on the back when you do something good. This will make you feel good and want to keep going. As he says, “what gets rewarded gets repeated.”

Most people have the best intentions when they start, but they often forget that sometimes life can get in the way. Experiencing setbacks are normal and don't mean you are not doing well. Habits are not a one-time thing. It’s a process that requires continuous effort and it's important to be patient with yourself and to understand that setbacks are normal. The key is to be persistent and not to give up, even when things get tough.

The overarching theme is that it's not just about building one habit, but it's about creating a lifestyle that promotes balance, health and wellness. By following the approach in “Atomic Habits”, you will be able to create habits that will support you in achieving your goals and living the life that you want.

The Ultimate Self-Care Ritual for Weight Loss Over 40

As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to lose weight and maintain our health. But it's never too late to start taking care of ourselves, and a regular self-care ritual can be the key to achieving our weight loss goals.

One of the most important things to remember when it comes to weight loss over 40 is that it's not about strict diets or intense workouts. Instead, it's about finding a balance that works for you and your body. A balanced diet and regular physical activity are essential, but so is taking care of our mental and emotional well-being.

So what does the ultimate self-care ritual for weight loss over 40 look like? It starts with setting realistic goals and developing a plan to achieve them. This might include a combination of healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.

One of the most effective ways to achieve your weight loss goals is to incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine. This can be as simple as taking a brisk walk around your neighbourhood or signing up for a gym membership. But don't feel like you have to push yourself too hard at first – start slow and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable.

In addition to physical activity, it's important to focus on healthy eating. This doesn't mean you have to deprive yourself of your favourite foods, but rather make healthy choices that nourish your body and help you feel satisfied. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet, and limiting processed and sugary foods, can make a big difference.

Stress management is also an important component of the ultimate self-care ritual for weight loss over 40. Chronic stress can contribute to weight gain and make it more difficult to lose weight. Finding effective ways to manage stress, such as through meditation, yoga, or therapy, can help you achieve your goals.

Finally, the ultimate self-care ritual for weight loss over 40 ends with taking action and reaching out for help when you need it. At Chigwell Personal Training, we specialise in helping people over 40 lose weight and achieve their health goals. We provide individualised programs, expert guidance, and the support you need to achieve your weight loss goals.

If you're ready to take the first step towards achieving your weight loss goals, send us a message today to schedule a consultation. Let's work together to create the ultimate self-care ritual that works for you and your body.

Avoid This Toxic Mindset For Permanent Weight-Loss

Most of us have heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” when it comes to exercise

People think if they don’t push themselves to their limits, then they won’t get any value from exercising. But this type of mindset can lead to burnout and injury.

If improving your health and fitness is important to you, then, it's time to change the way you think of exercise.

Most people view exercise as a punishment for having "fun". Or, something that you must endure to achieve results.

5 Easy Weightloss Habits

Losing weight can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. By making a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can start losing weight and improve your health.

Here are five easy habits to help you shed those extra pounds:

1. Eat more protein:

Protein is an important nutrient that helps keep you full and satisfied. By increasing your protein intake, you can reduce your cravings, which can lead to weight loss.

Good sources of protein include meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, and nuts.

2. Drink plenty of water:

Water is essential for good health, and it can also help you lose weight. When you're dehydrated, your body may hold onto excess water, which can cause weight gain. By drinking plenty of water, you can flush out excess water and toxins. This will help your body function more efficiently.

3. Get enough sleep:

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. It can increase your appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night can help keep your metabolism running smoothly and prevent weight gain.

4. Increase daily movement:

Regular exercise is a crucial part of a balanced healthy lifestyle. It can help you burn calories, boost your metabolism, and improve your muscle mass.

This is most effective as part of a long term plan. Start simple and choose activities you could do on a daily basis, then build up from there. The most accessible and easiest options would be brisk walking or cycling for 30 minutes.

5. Eat slower and be more mindful:

Overeating is a common cause of weight gain, and eating fast can make it worse.

Eating slower and remaining mindful is a great way to combat this. You will become better at recognising when you're full and stop eating before you overeat. Try putting your fork down between bites, and take the time to savour each bite of food.

When these habits become part of your daily routine, you will lose weight and improve your health. It may take some time and effort, but the benefits are well worth it.

You'll notice as you start to see progress, your motivation to stick to the plan will improve.

A Fast Way To Be Unhappy - Do You Do This?

A Fast Way To Be Unhappy - Do You Do This?

Life, on a daily basis, can feel like a rollercoaster.

We are constantly bombarded with thoughts, feelings, everything else people want us to do. But can we learn how to deal with this better? Or are we doomed to the constant ups and downs we are left to experience.

Outraged Queen Had This Covered Up

A naked man stands in the middle of an old museum in Italy.

He has been seen in all his glory by millions, even billions of people. And his name is known around the world.

When people speak of him, they usually mention his dads name in the same breath.

Guessed who they are yet?

Seventeen feet tall, and 12,000 pounds in weight, I speak of the one and only...

Michelangelo's David.

Most people have heard of this statue, but few people know that it was built to represent man in his perfect form. Earning the little-known title of "The Ideal Man."

A balance of beauty, strength and health all whilst holding a pose with ease and grace. It was and still is praised as an artistic masterpiece.

People asked Michelangelo how he was able to sculpt such beauty from a massive boulder. Which Donatello, (another famous artist, not the famous turtle) had earlier abandoned working with due to a fault in the stone.

Michelangelo said "[David] is there, locked inside. All you have to do is remove the excess stone."

The lesson I take from this, and the reason I'm sharing it with you is simple.

When it comes to improving our lives we usually rush to add things in to our already busy lives. This can create even more noise, and make it harder to focus on what's important. When often times the answer is to remove the excess.

What are you currently doing in your life that's not serving you?

What old habits could be holding you back from you getting what you really want?

Michelangelo's David teaches us that we can reach our own ideal, not by adding more, but by taking away.

If you want help removing some of the excess and learning what to really focus on, comment below or let me know.


The outraged queen was Queen Victoria. She was gifted a replica and was so shocked by Davids, ahh manhood, that she had a leaf plastered over it.

Why "Fat But Fit" Isn't Really Possible

This is controversial.

And I know I’m stepping on sacred ground, but I believe it’s an important message.

Some people may feel offended. But it is not my intention to offend.

If you have genuine feedback, thoughts or challenges that are well thought out, I would love to hear them. You can message me and we can talk about it for as long as you want.

"I need to stop." - How To Keep Going When Everything's Telling You To Stop

"I need to stop." - How To Keep Going When Everything's Telling You To Stop

We've all heard that voice in our head...

...the one telling us we need to stop.

It usually sounds whiney. Almost child like...

...and you may have heard it on a run, during a workout, maybe even going up the stairs.

Chances are, whatever you were doing when it happened, I feel confident in saying I know what happened next...

Whether you stop or not, you hear a loud, angry sounding voice talking over the one asking you to stop. Talking to you almost like a drill sergeant.