mental health

Why "Fat But Fit" Isn't Really Possible

This is controversial.

And I know I’m stepping on sacred ground, but I believe it’s an important message.

Some people may feel offended. But it is not my intention to offend.

If you have genuine feedback, thoughts or challenges that are well thought out, I would love to hear them. You can message me and we can talk about it for as long as you want.

"I need to stop." - How To Keep Going When Everything's Telling You To Stop

"I need to stop." - How To Keep Going When Everything's Telling You To Stop

We've all heard that voice in our head...

...the one telling us we need to stop.

It usually sounds whiney. Almost child like...

...and you may have heard it on a run, during a workout, maybe even going up the stairs.

Chances are, whatever you were doing when it happened, I feel confident in saying I know what happened next...

Whether you stop or not, you hear a loud, angry sounding voice talking over the one asking you to stop. Talking to you almost like a drill sergeant.