Why You Are Close To Giving Up And The 5 Actions To Take To Protect Yourself

We live in a world of shiny objects. Distractions.

People love the idea of being the best and mastering new skills. However ask yourself, how many times can you honestly say you committed yourself to mastering anything. 

Sports, fitness and nutrition. Why is it people love starting but never finish, I bet you can think of someone that has a new hobby every other week?

It’s a common pattern, I can show you the exact moment people give up. You will be able to spot the warning signs in others, but more importantly, yourself. 

People give up the moment they feel overwhelmed and out of control, it is this very moment that people give up, no exceptions. 

How do we protect ourselves against the imminent feeling of being out of control? 

How do we stop ourselves from giving up? 

The advice itself is relatively easy, as long as you stay focused. The secret is to remain in control at all times and to realise that every decision you make moulds your life. Even not making a decision is in fact a decision. 

It’s time to hand over the reigns. Follow these 5 steps to keep yourself in control and to constantly progress:

Step 1: Write out your why.

When you know your “why” you know your purpose. To act with a clear purpose is one of the most powerful and motivating situations you can find yourself in, no matter whats going on around you. Classic example, JK Rowling was bankrupt and starving with a new born, she continued forwards because her why was greater than her situation. 

Step 2: Sell yourself on your dream.

If you cannot sell yourself the outcome you want you will always fall short. Having faith and believing in what you are doing reflects on the level of commitment you have to your dream. This step needs to be revisited at least once a week. It is the fuel for your vehicle and constantly needs topping up. These first two points are your very foundation. 

Step 3: Set milestones that are achievable.

Be realistic with your goals. Make sure you don’t set yourself up to fail with impossible tasks. To often we set ourselves unrealistic targets which we don’t fully believe that we can achieve, this often leads to disappointment and begins our spiral down to feeling out of control. You can have many milestones, they don't have to be huge every time, just reachable to keep yourself moving forward. Celebrate every victory.

Step 4: Track your progress. 

This is one of the most vital pieces of the puzzle. Similar to working out, if you see yourself everyday you will not notice the drastic changes your body is going through. It is only when you look back you can see how far you have come. By tracking your progress, you are able to constantly remind yourself of where you started and to see how much you have improved. If it is important to you that other people notice the journey you are on, you can share it with the world as a way of keeping yourself accountable. Examples you can use are blogs, vlogs, pictures, journaling or audio recordings. This will be a valuable resource as you continue to progress and you can even leave it as a legacy to your children as a way of them getting to know you better and see the journey you were on. 

Step 5: Accountability.

Its easy to take action when you feel motivated. Who do you have to keep you accountable? To keep you in line, to ask you the questions you don't want to hear and to be firm with you because they have your best interests at heart, to speak to you not as a friend but as someone who only wants to see you succeed as well as holding you accountable. Someone to offer guidance as well as an unbiased and objective view of what you are doing and helping you unlock the potential that is hidden beneath your surface. 

These 5 steps require time and effort put into them. They are the very foundation and support system you need to keep strong and focused. 

You always have a choice. You shape your life and when you make any decision it takes up to 90 days of taking action to see the results, whether it be positive of negative. Learning from every experience and stay in control to insure you never give up on your dreams.