Pre-Race Jitters? Try This!

During his Dangerous Tour, Michael Jacksons entrance on to the stage was legendary.

Tens of thousands of people stood there, eagerly awaiting the start of the show.

Then, Michael Jackson began rising up from below the stage at a snails pace. Standing strong, confident and not moving a single muscle. The crowd went wild, screaming, burning through energy. He slowly reached up to his sunglasses and removed them. The crowd went even crazier!

The process took 15 - 20 seconds, and by that point the crowd was physically exhausted through the anticipation Michael Jackson built, and all he did was come on to stage and remove his sunglasses. 

Why am I sharing this?

At the starting line of a race, just before the gun goes off, you start feeling those butterflies in your stomach. A mixture of nerves and excitement are running through you. It’s right at this moment that you need to refocus. It’s very easy to get caught up in the mania that’s going on around you, all that nervous energy can be infectious if you aren't careful.

However this is where you need to stand strong and confident in your ability, knowing you have trained hard. Focus on your breathing and settle your mind for the task you have prepared for. 

Let everyone else tire themselves out, whilst you stand ready to start the show.