Arnold Schwarzenegger, kids snorting sherbet and running

The first rule of Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Six Rules Of Success" is don't talk about the six rules of success...


Actually, that's a lie. It's "Trust yourself, you have to dig deep down and ask yourselves, who do you want to be? Not what, but who?"

There are many roads you can take to begin the process of finding out who you are, more importantly, finding out who you want to be. It is my personal belief that one of the best tried and tested methods involves lacing up and losing yourself on a run. 

Life these days has become like trying to solve a 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, in the same room as 3 overactive children that have snorted sherbet and been awake for 23 hours running around a million miles an hour, a tiger sitting there licking its lips and intimidating you whilst Harry Potter is underneath his invisibility cloak hiding some of your puzzle pieces. Things can get overwhelming pretty quick. 

That is why running has become a safe haven for all those stressed and burnt out people that are just looking for a little clarity. It lets all the noise and voices in your head fall beneath your feet, until there is silence. 

It is only when our minds are quiet that we are able to hear our own thoughts and beliefs and begin to discover who you want to be.

To help you get started, I want to give you a powerful tool to succeed. Your stopwatch/timer on your phone. 

Some of you may be thinking that you are not a runner, maybe that you're fitness level isn't where it should be, or a million other reasons. Let me tell you, when you have a stopwatch/timer, you have the power within your hands to change everything.

Your target is to spend 10 minutes in total, running. The moment you start running, hit start. The moment you cease, push stop. When you stop, check your time and how long you were running for and just walk until you feel ready to go again. The best thing is that NOW you have a baseline. You have a target and goal of what time you need to beat. When the mind focuses on a goal, you instantly make whatever you're trying to achieve more attainable. However, make sure that when you beat it, you celebrate every victory. It could be a smile, or pat on the back or a big jump and fist pump into the sky! Just celebrate your accomplishment and mean it. 

Progress yourself as you see fit.

We would love to hear some of your victories, so please put them in the comments below!